Friday, March 23, 2012

What matters?

On the high road, Truth, above all, is paramount. Strip it all away and you find God, for God is the source, is us in essence. If you frame things within the ultimate (even if that ultimate is everything), then other things fall astray and you can gauge what really matters. Time, place, circumstance: "what I know is in the air; breathe and it will be there." Petty nonsense falls away and “the good” finds you. Love knows herself when she recognizes herself in you, “the matter” of that which does, the fight, her stamp of “scars past”.

"It" matters, if in an existential way. This life matters because I choose to give it gravity, and because it "matters," life has meaning, absurd as it may be. 
 Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.  You have to care!  Apply it here. 

Personally, connecting matters: to others, to the world, to God, and to myself.  Science proves this. Listening. Achieving some incremental enlightenment matters, some daily evolution of self.  Lately, I've begun to understand that enlightenment may in fact just be FAILURE (i.e. we're at our most complete when we're most broken, most asunder, when letting go is the only thing left) or maybe failure births epiphany.

With that said, above all (I know I already said that) it matters that I'm progressing, that I'm finding my way: up, sideways, wherever. Ben Alsup told me that this life is, at heart, an examination and discovery of what love and beauty and truth (et cetera) mean to YOU.  Basic relativism I suppose, but you have to own your meanings. I really take this to heart. What MATTERS to me is that I'm living in accordance to my path, that I'm creating and treasure hunting for the good - my good (to start) and the good of it all, I hope.  And if this is more "chasing fireflies" than "catching light" for now then cheers to stamina and patience. May I continue to aim high, and may I wield aliveness in urging others to come alive.

....And this is where I go all Lite Brite and start to fragment....

Tone it down a bit, and it matters that I communicate well, that I aim to connect and sometimes succeed, that I remain curious and always open, poised to taste the winds in motion, that I don’t call the game a wash when the rules begin to change or especially when I begin to change.  It matters that I fight for love and goodness, that I don't settle or accept, and that I tell people how I feel and that they, too, matter.  It matters that I still care when others may not and that I still fight when all is lost.  It matters that it matters. Breathe and it will be there.  It already is.

brothers of the lite brite

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