How big is your cup? How can you make it bigger? Openness paves the way.
Love is a fighter, and it fights for air, even as you may choke. The silver lining is that love, in this fight, will move on, but will brand you a fighter before she jets. If you continue then, again in the face of heartache and peril, she will recognize you as one of her own, and she will aid you.
Also: The more you open to love (and a person can certainly be a vessel or reason for this open-ing) the more love finds its way into your life; but its not up to you where it comes in. You may not get it from where you may want it or think it should be coming, but if you love, if you love true, then it finds you, believe me.
How big is your cup?? Make it bigger, ask for more - by simply loving.
“Those that go searching for love
only make manifest their own lovelessness,
and the loveless never find love,
only the loving find love,
and they never have to seek for it.”
- D.H. Lawrence